Life in REAL VIRTUAL world

It was 2nd day of 6th sem when our sir took the introductory class of CG(Computer Graphics), merely the second class of sem, a sigh of new hopes, new resolutions in everyone’s faces which you can see for the first three days of any semester, Sir started at the eager ears with the introduction to new world in CG,Virtual reality (VR),a technology that allows one to enter and interact with a world that is generated by a computer, for example , a flight simulator for the training of pilots, the idea which led to the emergence of VR(1930s). They wanted to put the pilot in a real situation before letting him fly. Though I kept nodding my head at the Prof, the word Virtualization got stuck in my mind and took me away from the class to the Avatar game I played last night, ahh so realistic as the movie is, which has brought an era of 3Dmovies in Hollywood.
The uses for virtual reality are wide ranging and cover everything from games where you can drive a car, fly a plane, ski down a mountain or track a dinosaur - to helping train doctors in the art of surgery or teaching pilots to fly aircraft safety. These computer generated worlds can be any size - as vast as the universe or as microscopically small as atoms and molecules.
One thing that made me to write this stuff is the video that I saw in YouTube where a guy who lost his legs can run and walks like us in VR, the delight in his face, where he can have a freedom of movement that he could not have in the real world. It gives disabled people the opportunity to join in activities not usually available to them. At the moment very few people can afford to buy a VR system. But as the technology advances, lightweight helmets and more powerful computers will take VR into ordinary homes.
No wonder orkut, facebook and other social sites flourished so much since it has given a second life to many youths and even they are being able to come out of depression and suicidal tendencies, even many VR type applications in such sites give gratification of achieving those that they are not blessed with it in real life, like Farmville in facebook where you create an avatar farmer to represent you on your farm. You’re given everything you need to build your domestic, rural dream.
To tell in brief about this VR, There are three main forms of virtual reality:
Ø 1.The first is perhaps the most familiar. It consists of a helmet which has small TV screens and earphones fitted into it, and a glove (some systems use a joystick or wand instead of a glove). The helmet and glove are linked to computers which are programmed with special sounds and graphics.
Ø 2.The second form of virtual reality uses video cameras to track the image of the user in a virtual world where you can also pick up or move objects. Both these VR systems allow more than one person to take part at the same time.
Ø 3.The final type of VR is where three- dimensional images are played on a large, curved screen. The shape of the screen helps to give you a greater sense of being in the virtual world. By wearing special 3-D glasses, this effect can be greatly improved.
Using virtual reality, doctors have already been 'inside' a body. At the University of North Carolina, USA, virtual reality allowed doctors to enter a cancer patient's thorax (part of the chest) to make sure that radiation beams needed to treat the cancer were in the right place. Doctors will soon be able to look at and study tumours at first hand and in 3-D rather than from scans and x-rays.We must thank the murderer of USA for this, who was executed on the electric chair and his body was donated for research. His corpse was sliced into very thin sections from top to bottom and used to create an entire virtual body for medical research. Soon all medical students will be able to train using virtual bodies instead of real patients.
On a microscopic level, virtual reality is being used in drug research. Scientists at the University of North Carolina are able to create the molecules and then visualize and 'feel' how they react with each other. Before the use of virtual reality, this process was very slow and complicated. Therefore, it is likely that virtual reality will have a strong impact on the speed with which new drugs and remedies are developed and become available in the future.
Virtual reality is also important because it can visualize the unknown or the unpredictable. This might lead to virtual reality operators carrying out repairs in space, with the help of a robot. In a technique called virtual puppetry a robot is controlled by a skilled operator and mimics all the operator's movements.
The possibilities for virtual reality are enormous. Future residents of new towns will be able to walk around virtual streets, shops, houses and parks before a single brick has been laid. There are already plans to redesign the whole of the city of Berlin, the capital of Germany, using virtual reality.
As realism and social influence increase in virtual environments, so does the virtuality in real environments.
Don’t you think friends this world is getting virtual and virtual we too started loving these artificial gardens in place of nature, in fact get used to it, aren’t we abiding ourselves within this virtuality, no values for ethics, emotions and just practicality matters.
I really feel bad when I see the JCB’s marching to put the trees down residing from centuries between Shimoga and Bhadravathi for expansion of road, Don’t know why government always takes always a girly stand, exactly a midst one in this concern than protecting it.
Hope you might have read in news papers popular social networking websites such as Facebook have been blamed for the rise in cases of syphilis. Official figures showed a four-fold increase in the UK in cases of potentially-lethal syphilis.
"There has been a four-fold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected, with more young women being affected, Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex. There is a rise in syphilis because people are having more sexual partners than 20 years ago “Professor Peter Kelly, director of Public Health for NHS Tees, as saying. The highest rates were observed in women aged 20 to 24 and men aged 25 to 34.
Well these are the indirect means, the future war fares are estimated more likely to be based on virtual reality more likely to include robo’s in place of men, the destruction would be so handy and could turn earth into hell in moments.
Day by day the life is getting practical, no place for human values and emotions, I feel strange when I hear of this human value classes, it sounds as though, fishes use some discussion group, to discuss about swimming!!
The world is so virtual,
So we are, aren’t we???
Let’s stop to laugh in teeth
And let us laugh from once beneath,
Let the world go virtual but let’s stay real,
Because we are born to be …
sagar u
6th sem
cse 'A'
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