This performance is from our smera miss,hithesh and team
watch and have fun :)
computer science and engineering
shimoga :)
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This is performance my friend hithesh and our senior in cosmmos 2009
nice enjoy :)
computer science and engineering
shimoga :)


computer science and engineering
shimoga :)

admission details

Pass in Pre-university or (10+2) examination, with 45% aggregate marks (40% for Reserved categories) in Physics, Mathematics and one of following as optional subjects: Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Biology or Bio-Technology. English should be one of the subjects of study.
1. 50 % Seats will be filled by State Government based on State CET Ranking only Karnataka Students are eligible for this. Annual Tuition Fee: As per the fess assigned by the CET cell (curreuntly 18,000rs for ranking below 20,000 and 28,000rs for the rest - which may change yearly)
2. 15 % of NRI + 10 % other Management Seats.
1. Entrance Test Admission Ticket.
2. Entrance Test Rank Sheet.
3. PUC / CBSE / 10 + 2 Original Marks Card.
4. SSLC / CBSE / 10th Std. Original Marks Card.
5. Transfer Certificate (or School Leaving Certificate).
6. Study Certificates.
7. Three Passport Size Photographs.
2) Electronics and Communication Engg

My feelings towards my teachers

नन्ही सी जान थे हम,
जब हम इस दुनिया में आए.
दुनिया से अंजान थे हम,
सिर्फ मासूमियत को साथ लाए.
दुनिया से परिचय कराती,
माँ बनी पहेली शिक्षक.
हर कदम पे सीख देती,
जैसे कोई मार्गदर्शक.
रूप बदलते गए शिक्षक के,
पर पाठ वही अच्छाई का.
निर्मल ह्रदय धरते हैं ये,
जैसे रूप हो कोई सच्चाई का.
ये मार्गदर्शक और रक्षक हैं,
कभी किसी का बुरा न चाहते.
डांटकर सही राह दिखाकर,
पत्थर से हमें शिला बनाते.
इनकी निस्वार्थ सेवा को देख,
अपना शीश झुकाते हैं हम.
इनका वर्णन क्या करूँ मै,
व्याकरण भी पड़ता है कम.
7 sem, CSE.

Small tribute to our beloved teachers

Small tribute to our beloved teachers
sagar u

A cute poem

सपने देखे हैं मैंने भी तमाम ,,


Human beings, the wisest and finest creation of god are gifted with Emotional quotient (EQ) and Intelligence quotient (IQ). But an individual becomes wise only if he nourishes the plant of emotion along with intelligence.
Intelligence quotient is person’s capacity to acquire, apply knowledge and to engage in abstract reasoning. It is also the power of one’s intellect and as such is clearly a very important aspect of one’s overall well-being.
Emotional quotient is measure of interpersonal and intrapersonal understanding of emotions and reactions.
Art alone is wholly and solely capable of wisely blossoming EQ. It can be music, dance and literature etc. Music, among all arts more influences the fact. Also, music and emotions are intensely complementary to each other. EQ is a vital element in musical leadership. And, music has the ability to open up emotions in a non-threatening and accessible way. It makes man to develop broad mindedness, patience, good kinship with people around him and pure heart to respond for others agony. It righteously enrages emotions and also teaches the art of balancing them.
Ripen emotions surely fosters human values and moral values of an individual. Fostering the values with the combination of music and values oriented literature is deeply effective. When a cloth of music is worn to literature comprised of values, internalizing values happens on its own. That is the power of music. Hence Social reformers, Religious preceptors immensely exploited music to convey values to people of different backgrounds. Adoption of values depicted in literature knowingly or unknowingly progresses Spiritual quotient of an individual. Emotional quotient improves when spiritual quotient progresses.
The most distinguished feature of Carnatic classical music is Manodharma Sangeetham, which is improvised music. The true challenge of a musician lies in his ability to create and extemporize on the spot. Spontaneity leads to wise and wide imagination which further uplifts vehement creativity. Routine practices can never end up with complacency. Man has to stick to creativity, which confers ultimate satisfaction. Music cherishes and nurtures creativity.
Music has positive impact on right side of the brain. Hence along with progressing emotional quotient, music improves other aspects concerned to right side of the brain. It enhances concentration and memory. Also improves discretion power and sets up an internal discipline for an individual.
Music not only benefits singers, but also has impact on listeners. Listeners get all noble experiences with least effort. Music bestows positive emotions and calmness on listeners.
Soothing musical notes never develops anxiety. Change of amplitude and intensity in musical notes is always found least. Hence individual who sings and listen music has balanced state of mind responding equally to pleasure and pain.
It is important for an individual to be first a social animal before an intellectual animal. As a responsible being, man’s devotion should be towards promotion of noble thoughts. It is proved that music can transform barren mind to a flourished mind by showering ideal emotions. Let fountain of wise emotions hurl in our minds and let make life more meaningful.
Nagashruthi B.R.
7th sem ‘A’ , CSE


Success in its simplest way can be defined as the accomplishment of some
intended purpose. Its the achievement of something desired, planned, or
attempted. There is a famous saying, “if u want to succeed don’t do different
things, but do the things differently”, thus according to this saying, an
individual can be successful only if he is different from others in whatever
field he is working.
In this competitive world, it’s very much difficult to achieve success. Thus,
the path to success is often a hard, toiling one. And needless to say, not
all who walk it reach their final destination. But here are some SUCCESS
MANTRAS which will let you focus on something new,
1 . First step to Success: Dreaming of success is often the first step for
Success. A dream is a seed of thought that opens ones mind to new
avenues. If u dream big, the next step is to make a path for yourself to
get there. Dreams motivate you from inner-self and push you towards
2 . Hard-work: There is no even one individual who has got success in
just one overnight. They will have dreamt about this achievement a
long back and achieved success today, so hard-work is a necessary key
factor to Success. It’s not just enough if we work hard, we have to
work even smart.
3 . Dedication , Determination and Self-confidence are the another three
key factors which are very much compulsory for achieving Success.
4 . Don’t use the words “I Already Know It”: Because as soon as you
start thinking that you know everything, it closes off your mind, even
to the things you don’t know. And thus makes it impossible to learn
even new things.
In addition to this we should also have an mindset “It’s never too late to start
over”, so, start working from this day, and surely you will have one fine day
awaiting for you to show yourself to the world.

SUBJECT oriented kavana

ಗಣಕಯಂತ್ರದ ಬಗೆಗೆ
ಅಣಕವಾಡುವರು ಎಲ್ಲ,
ಜಗವ ಇಣುಕಲು ಬೇಕು
ಈ ಪುಟ್ಟ ಪರದೆ.
ಇರಲಿ ನಮ್ಮ creativityಯೆಡೆಗೆ
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಮನ,
ಅದಕಾಗಿ ಬರೆದಿಹೆನು ಈ
subject oriented ಕವನ.
keyboard ನ ಪುಟ್ಟ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳು ನಾವು,
ಜೊತೆ ಸೇರಿ ಬರೆಯುವೆವು softwareನ ಕವನ.
ಯಾವ program ಇರಲಿ...
ಮರೆಯಲಾಗುವುದೇ main ಅನ್ನ?
ನಮ್ಮ main function ನೀವು..
ಗುರುಗಳೇ ನಿಮಗೆ ನಮ್ಮ ನಮನ.
ನಮಗಿಹುದು ಆ destination ಕಡೆ ಗಮನ,
ಅದಕಾಗಿ search ಮಾಡಿಹೆವು ಈ source codeಅನ್ನ.
complete graphನ ಚುಕ್ಕಿಗಳು ನಾವು...
ಸ್ನೆಹದಾ algorithmನ stepಗಳು ನಾವು...
error ಇಲ್ಲದಂತೆ execute ಆಗುವೆವು..
ನಿಮ್ಮ ROMಅಲ್ಲಿ storeಆಗುವೆವು ನಾವು.

ಕೀರ್ತಿ ಕವನಗಳು

ಕೀರ್ತಿ ಕವನಗಳು

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